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The Biggest Risks of Holiday Travel

The Lawyer You Need For The Results You Want
Man sitting on back seat in minivan with child on his lap, looking out the open door

Many individuals are planning trips during the upcoming holiday season. If you are going to be traveling, there are some risks that you should consider so you can stay alert and safe on your journey.

Peak Travel and Traffic Times

Many individuals are given the same days off from work and the same school breaks. This means there is a higher number of drivers on the road at these times shortly before and after the holidays. Driving can become more difficult as roadways are congested, as well as increasing the number of drivers who may cause an accident. While it may be unavoidable, consider planning your travel during less popular times or getting on the road early.

Rushed Drivers

There may be times when your holiday festivities are supposed to begin, or you may have a self-imposed ideal arrival time. In any case, many drivers put pressure on themselves to arrive on time for holiday events. This may lead drivers to speed or engage in other unsafe behaviors in an effort to make it to events on schedule. While no one loves being late, it’s better to be late than to rush, drive recklessly, and cause an accident. Your loved ones will understand.

Impaired Driving

Most adults engage in heavier than usual drinking during the holidays. This, in turn, means that there tends to be a higher number of impaired drivers on the roads over holiday weekends and especially at night. Both drivers and passengers should be alert to their surroundings and unusual actions of cars nearby. For example, if you notice a driver traveling at an excessively fast or slow speed, you should avoid them. Instead, you may call the police and alert them to the location of the driver that you suspect is under the influence.

Driving Distractions

This is one of the biggest driving risks. As a driver, you should be mindful of the many tempting distractions that can take your focus off the road.

This includes:

  • Fiddling with your car features or music
  • Eating or drinking while operating a vehicle
  • Using your cell phone
  • Looking at the scenery as you travel to lesser known areas
  • Getting distracted by holiday decor or business signage
  • Rowdy passengers that make it hard to focus, hear, or think

All of these factors and more can lead you to get distracted when behind the wheel.

Additionally, you should remember that other drivers may be facing these same distractions. This could lead to a driver unexpectedly coming into your lane of traffic or causing a collision.

Poor Weather Conditions

Over the winter holidays, you may experience rain, icy roads, or even snow. Many drivers are uncomfortable driving in these conditions, while others throw caution to the wind and drive as if there are no weather obstacles in their way. Both cases may lead drivers to be more prone to a car accident. If possible, do not travel during inclement weather. Keep your eyes on the forecast prior to and during any trips.

Tired Driving

The holidays can take a lot out of people. Because of this, there tends to be a lot of drowsy or tired drivers on the road. While we understand that when you’re tired, you want to get home, attempting to drive while exhausted can be dangerous. Instead, ask someone else in your party to drive or wait until you have more energy before driving. It may be a good idea to squeeze in a nap so you feel more refreshed and alert on your travels.

If You’re In a Car Accident During the Holidays

You never want your holidays to be interrupted by a serious car accident. Unfortunately, this is a reality of many people and is a risk that you must know about when traveling. If you or a loved one is in an auto collision, The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC wants to help you pursue compensation and justice. As you focus on healing, our personal injury attorney can help handle the ins and outs of your case, ultimately securing you the highest possible settlement. Get started with a consultation today, call (803) 770-4483.
